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Configuration fcloud


Fcloud uses a .conf configuration file in the .ini format. During its operation, Fcloud relies on the FCLOUD_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. If this variable is not initialized at startup, Fcloud will attempt to use the .conf file from the source code directory where Fcloud was installed. By default, this configuration file is already present and does not need to be manually installed.

You can work with the configuration file in two methods:

  1. You can get information about where it is located using fcloud config path or see the contents using fcloud config read.

  2. Using high-level functions in the fcloud config command group

Working with a configuration file

In the first method, understanding the structure of the Fcloud configuration file is essential. The structure is quite simple:

[FCLOUD] # General fcloud settings
service = dropbox # The service whose driver you need to use
main_folder = # The folder, in cloud storage, where you want fcloud to save all your files to
cfl_extension = .cfl # The extension that will be assigned to the file after it is uploaded to the cloud

# Below are the private settings for drivers

token = 
app_secret = 
app_key = 


Using high-level commands

Fcloud provides the following config subcommands for working with configuration files:

  • cloud
  • folder
  • extension
  • set-parametr

Alternatively, you can use aliases for these commands: fcloud config cloud --> fcloud config set-cloud fcloud config folder --> fcloud config set-main-folder --> fcloud config main-folder fcloud config extension --> fcloud config set-cfl-ex --> fcloud config cfl-ex

fcloud config cloud

Specifies the name of the service in the configuration file whose driver is to be used


-n --name - Service name

fcloud config folder

Specifies the path to the folder where fcloud will save all the files you choose to upload


-p --path - Cloud folder path

fcloud config extension

Specifies which extension to assign to CFL files (files uploaded to the cloud)


-e --extension - Extension. If you don't want fcloud to change file names after uploading, leave this field blank

fcloud config set-parametr

Specifies which extension to assign to CFL files (files uploaded to the cloud)


-s --section - The section in the configuration file whose parameter you want to change. For example, for general fcloud settings it is necessary to change the FCLOUD section (see above for more details on the configuration file structure)

-p --parametr_name - The name of the parameter to be changed. For example: service, main_folder, cfl_extension

-v --value - The value to be assigned to the parameter

Usage example:

fcloud config set-parametr FCLOUD service dropbox

This command modifies the FCLOUD section (fcloud general settings) by assigning the values service - dropbox

fcloud config read

Text of the config file

fcloud config path

Path to configuration file