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Commands Guide


Saves a file to the cloud


-p --path - File path for uploading


-n --near - Use this if you need to create a CFL without overwriting the main file. By default, add will overwrite the file you intend to upload to the cloud.

-f --filename - The name under which the file will be saved to the server. By default, the file will be saved under the same name as on your system.

-r --remote_path - The path in the cloud where your file will be saved. By default, the main_folder value you set when connecting to the cloud will be taken.

Usage example:

fcloud add film.mp4 -n -f Oppenheimer -r /fims/2023

This command, will save to the cloud the file "film.mp4", named "Oppenheimer" in the folder "/fims/2023" and create a cfl file in the folder where "film.mp4" is located


Downloads a file from the cloud.


-c --cfl - Path to the cfl whose file you want to download


-n --near - Use this if you need to download the file without overwriting the CFL. By default, get will overwrite the CFL with the file you are about to download.

-r --remove_after - Use this if you want to keep the file in the cloud after downloading it from the CFL. By default, it will be deleted.

Usage example:

fcloud get film.mp4.cfl -r false

This command will download the "film.mp4" file from the cloud without deleting it after downloading. The contents of the "film.mp4" file will be overwritten to the cfl file.


You can use false, False, 0 as for values for --remove_after


Deletes the file in the cloud using a CFL


-c --cfl - Path to the cfl file you want to delete in the cloud


-o --only-in-cloud - Use if you want to keep the cfl file after deletion. By default, will delete cfl.

Usage example:

fcloud remove film.mp4.cfl

This command will delete the cfl file as well as the file referenced by the cfl file in the cloud


Provides information about a fil


-c --cfl - Path to the CFL whose information you want to know

Usage example:

fcloud info film.mp4.cfl

This command will display information about the file lying in the cloud. Such as last modification date, file size, file hash


Information about files in the cloud


-r --remote-path - Information about files stored in the cloud in a specific folder. By default, main_folder will be used.

-o --only-files - Use this if you want to display information about files only, excluding directories

Usage example:

fcloud files -r /films/2022 -o

This command will display information about the files stored in the /films/2022 folder, while excluding directories from the output, such as file name and last modified date.